Tumble weeds - Having Fun in Colorado


Tumble weeds

So I forgot to mention in my 4.12.10 post that I had an experience that you can old have in the wild west.  On the drive to the airport of all places.  So for those of you who have flown to DIA (Denver International Airport) know that once you exit the main Highway (I-70) you are on a long access road (Pena Blvd) for a few miles.

Pete chose the later flights so he could have some time in the city before heading to Ron's and also so it was a non-stop flight and he had a better chance of sleeping.  So it was dark and pretty late by time we hit Pena.  I was tired and my contacts were foggy so when I saw something coming across the lane then get pulled under my car I almost had a heart attack.  Pete got a kick out of it and explained what it was.

I did some research and I think mine might have been a little bit smaller that the pic below but I'm pretty sure it's the craziest thing that's happened to me out here.  Who knew?  I thought that kind of thing only happened in the dessert!  Thankfully my car is fine.  Now I know to keep an eye out for them.
(Not my car or tumble weed)

The good thing out of all this, my mileage is now up to a record high for Colorado

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