February 2010 - Having Fun in Colorado


Another win for Jimmy
February 28, 20100 Comments
Today's race was at Vegas Motor Speedway.  We were hoping that our hometown boy, Kurt Busch, driver of the #2 would win. 

It wasn't meant to be this year for Kurt even though he won the pole.  He hit the wall early on and was taken out of the race.

Kim Kardashian was Grand Marshall
Mike Bliss drove the car with her fragrance as the sponsor and she made a comment about the "Pink Jumpsuit", aka fire suit, he had to wear to match the car,

In the end it was JJ that won again this week.  

I think it just reinforces the statement made by Kevin Harvick about that "golden horseshoe" they have helping carry them to victory.

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Closing Ceremonies
February 28, 20100 Comments
Another Olympics are coming to an end and it's time for another closing ceremonies.  I didn't watch but the pictures seemed really cool.  I especially liked that they were using snowboards as props.

They even had a moose parade

I heard on the news that Vail is honoring Lindsey Vonn by naming an intermediate trail after her on the mountain.  I might try to hunt it down later this season.

So next it's off to Russia in 2014.  I wonder what tricks they'll be doing in the pipe by then.

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February 28, 20100 Comments
After all the fuss this morning I tried to take my aggression out on something productive so I decided to sort the CD cases.  In our rush to move we didn't take too much care with the CD's when they were packed.  If there were loose ones and there was room on a spool that's where they went.  So after checking all the cases this is what we have to find disks for.


The other day I made Pulled BBQ Pork in the Slow Cooker. 
I served it over garlic bread with fried onions on top and a side of Broccoli.  If Pete had been here I probably would have served it with rice.

I didn't have a recipe but the instructions are below:
Chop up 1 onion and 1 pepper then sautee until soft.  Take 4 leftover chops and pull them apart until they are all in small pieces.  Mix ketchup, yellow mustard, vinegar and brown sugar until you get a sauce you like.  Add everything to slow cooker and cook on high for 4-6 hours.  I added more vinegar 1/2 way through to soften the meat more and because the sauce was too sweet for my taste.   

I felt like I've been slacking on cooking anything creative so I decided that I would make some mini no bake cheesecakes with fruit.  

This is a recipe that mom makes and it's so quick and easy and lite that it was perfect for dessert.

I took cream cheese, cool whip, splash of vanilla & some natural sugar and blended it until it was fluffy.
I'm not giving any measurements since I only made enough for two servings.  Just eyeball it.

We have another Birthday today too, February is a busy month.  I know I missed quite a few people but I am focusing on anyone who might be reading this so.......

Happy Birthday Bob!  Hope you had a great day
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Brian's Turning Stone Boxing Match
February 28, 20100 Comments
Brian, my soon to be cousin in law, had a boxing match this weekend at Turning Stone.  It's a bummer we couldn't be there but plans have changed, and so has our location, since we first heard about it.

Since he's a total bad ass it's no surprise that he won his match.  He's the one in the black shorts.

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E Trade Super Bowl Commercials
February 28, 20100 Comments

Since I was posting some favorite commercials, if there really is such a thing, I thought that the best one from the super bowl should be recognized.  It wasn't actually played during the Super bowl but it should have been. 

"2010 ETrade Commercial Outtakes"

Plus who doesn't love the milk-a-holic? 


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My new Favorite Commercials
February 28, 20100 Comments
How funny is this series of commercials? If only I had TV's installed in my car. It may need to be added after we have kids.

"Sienna Minivan - Time Out Commercial "

Pete and I have been in a heated debate about what the name of my car should be.  On the drive out here he was calling it the Love Bug since he said it looked like a little bug following him down the Highway.

Since we've been in Colorado it's been re-named The Purple Pig.  Not as nice and really not my favorite.

Since Papa asked when he first saw my car, What is it gonna be when it grows up, a minivan?  I thought we should steal the name 'Swagger Wagon' from another commercial in the series. 

"Sienna Minivan - Swagger Wagon"

But this one is the best of the best.  No matter what this commercial gets me every time. And yeah, I won't be rocking mom jeans.

"Sienna Minivan - Diaper Bag"
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Casting For The Russian Jersey Shore!
Shaun's A Designer
February 28, 20100 Comments
Who knew he was interested in designing anything other than snowboarding gear?   I'll have to keep an eye out so I can check it out when it hits stores and grab anything that's good.  Anything from that line should be Colorado appropriate. 

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It's that time of week again.....
February 27, 20100 Comments
Nascar time! This is Danica Patrick's last race until June.

Thank goodness cause I'm really over Danika Mania. The commentators are giving her a hard time cause she's acting like a baby when she messes up or gets wrecked. It's racing! and really if she wants any sort of respect in this series she needs to man up a little bit.  She blew off an interview cause she was too busy throwing a hissy fit.  It really just makes women participating in male dominated sports look horrible.  Thanks for that Danica.
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Spork, The vicious weiner dog
February 27, 20100 Comments
Poor Puppy.  This dog is being charged and might be put down, after nipping a vet tech in the face during an exam.  Now don't get me wrong, I know that dogs shouldn't be biting people but when Blitz would go to the vet he would get a muzzle so something like this didn't happen.  Take no chances with old dogs, that's my motto.  If you want to read the story from KDVR just click on the link below.

"Spork's Story"

Here is a pic of Spork,I know he looks a little mean here but I don't think he was happy about being filmed.  They always show him in that sweater too, he's so cute.  He's an old man and really I think he should be treated with care.


There is a facebook page to save the dog. So if you feel compelled please sign up.

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What's up with the boots?
February 26, 20100 Comments
I don't really think that leather over the knee boots work for a TV interview with Jeans and a Hoodie.   But hey, that's just my opinion.

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East Coast Snow
February 26, 20100 Comments
A friend from NYC posted this picture of the snow on their facebook


I wish we had that much here
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February 26, 20100 Comments
Happy Birthday to John Charette, he's the one rolling on the ground BTW.

Pete and I got up early to go skiing today again at A-Basin but....before that we called the Birthday boy just so he knew we didn't forget about him.  He must have taken a well deserved day off cause we had to leave a voice mail.  

We had a quick breakfast and out the door we went.  Since I took a ton of pics last time I left the camera at home.  Traffic was crazy busy.  According to Pete Friday's are usually like that.  We made a quick decision to pull off the highway and stop for breakfast at one of our favorite spots, The Hard Rock Cafe, not to be confused with the well known one, to let traffic cool down.  According to what I've heard this restaurant existed before the other Hard Rock and they had to let them keep operating under that name.  After another quick talk we decided to get right back on I-70 in case traffic got worse.  We plan to head over there and enjoy a nice breakfast sometime this weekend when we can relax and have nothing else to do.  It took forever with the traffic but we finally made it.

We did pass some hitchhikers at the pass but we couldn't stop today.  The roads were messy and the truck drags when we pile people and gear into it.

When we started getting ready In the parking lot we noticed that a girl a row in front of us was a Ver-monster.   Since she didn't get rid of the east coast plates on her car yet so it was an easy tell.  When we got to the lift and started strapping in she skied by us she saw that I had a Smugg's sticker on my board.  We had a quick chat since she assumed we were from VT also.  Turns out we both learned to snowboard there so it was a nice way to start the day. 

We only took a few runs, totally my fault. My left calf muscle was killing me and then I started getting major foot cramps in my right one.  It was a total mess.  I was on the top of the mountain with my boot off trying to massage it so it would stop but every time I tried to get back in my boot more cramps.  We made it down and headed home.

The altitude has really been messing with me lately when we go to the Basin.  I had a killer headache and was nauseous.  I rested for a bit at home and we headed to Wal-Mart.  I parked next to a truck that had this on their back window, lol.  

The people of Colorado are pretty funny.  You really never know what you're gonna see.

To get in the fashion spirit of Colorado I had the intention of grabbing a cute flannel shirt (kinda sounds like an oxy-moron, I know).  Instead I found this cute dress on sale and only had to pay $5.

When we got home we were trying to set Pete up with some sort of file transfer system for his upcoming session.  He was so happy, and still is, that he got the Skype user name:

This picture is crap I know but I wanted to get a shot of it. 

So that was it for the day.  We ran a few other errands but nothing to write home about.  We're in for the night and will just be here watching the Olympics, I can't believe it's almost over, and having leftovers for dinner.
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February 25, 20100 Comments
Today Pete and I were driving around Denver and I took a few pics on the way since Pete was driving today.

 This is a little of Golden from I-70 E

 before we get off our exit to head to John's

There is some big project going on but it's looked like this for months know.  I'm not sure what it's going to connect to. 

This is the license plate that I really wanted.  It would look so good with the color of my car.

but after being charged a ridiculous amount of money to just put it on the road I went with the standard Colorado one.  

Here is a shot of downtown Denver from a distance.  It's the only part that has high rises.

 The part of town that we had to drive thru before we got to John's has the most amazing mansions.  I need to go back and get some pictures because some of them are just unbelievable.  This was Pete's favorite and this was the best shot I could get as we drove by.

Pete needed to get some work done in the studio so I hung out for a bit before leaving for my meeting.

My agency meeting was good.  I tested really well so hopefully, since I'll be calling every week to follow up, I'll be on the "hot list" and will placed very soon.  The guy I met with was really nice and let me know that my resume is great and doesn't need to be tweaked.  It's good to know since I was worried that's what was holding the offers back. He said things are picking up again so fingers crossed.

I was bummed that I didn't bring my camera to the interview.  I parked in a garage about 3 blocks away from where I needed to be.  On my drive in I saw so many cool things that would have been great to show everyone but it's a lesson learned.  I do have to say that the looks I got today walking over to the office were priceless.  I guess I stick out here like a sore thumb but I'd rather look nice than look like everyone else.  AND I wasn't even all the dressed up.  I can't wait to make it back to the city so I can break out some of my really beautiful pieces that just won't be appreciated or make sense here. 

When I got back Pete had accomplished what he needed to and it was time to take a few pics of the studio.  I'm sure no one reading this cares what the racks of gear look like so here is a nice shot of Pete and John to close out this post.  Both of them are happy that everything is finally up and running.

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Get Your Pet A Croc Bed


February 24, 20100 Comments
REVISED:  I told you this, but just to be consistent, here is my belated birthday post

Happy Birthday Dad!

What an absolutely amazing day today was. Pete and I headed to A-Basin for the opening of the Montezuma Bowl.

Just so you know.....
This is the bumper sticker that I passed in the parking lot and that pretty much summed up today's skiing experience.

We had some breakfast at home and hit the road early to try and get first chair. No matter what, I somehow manage to mess that up. One day we'll make it, maybe.

When we made it to the parking lot at the bottom of Loveland pass it was full of people looking for rides to the top so they could ski down.

Pete, being the good snowboarder that he is and to build up some good karma for when he skis the pass, picked up two boarders and off we went.

When the sky is blue and the sun is out the view from the continental divide is amazing. It was so bright out that the picture looks like crap. I didn't really have a lot of time to set up a shot.

A-Basin is a total locals mountain. It's totally chill and everything is so close to where you park. There are no condos here and that's another thing that makes it great. They have an awesome learning program where you only get a pass for Molly Hogan, aka the Bunny Hill.

And the magic carpet

So we set up and finished getting ready.

Then up the mountain we went....

I have 2 short videos that I took on the way up the lifts.  Links to youtube are below.  For some reason this post will only let 1 video function at a time, and it didn't work as individual posts either. So just click on them at it will take you to the video. 

"A Basin Lift 1"
"A Basin Lift 2"
Snowboarding is great, don't get me wrong, but boy is it hard. I am proud to say that today I only fell 1 time getting off the lift and that's because some 'gaper' (i.e. tourist, idiot) decided that they should ski right across the unloading ramp. Sure, they could have been avoided by say a snowboarder of Shaun Whites experience, or Pete's for that matter, but not mine. So thanks gapers for ruining my perfect streak of getting off the lift without looking stupid.

At the top we met up with Pete's friend Andy from Breckenridge. He had already taken a run in the bowl and said we should ski the front side. That was fine for me since I've never skied a bowl before.

I was a little intimidated to be skiing with another person as good as Pete. At this point I've only skied with family and they are stuck with me no matter how horrible I am, but today for some reason I did really good.  It was busier than I've ever seen it and you still never felt crowded on the slopes. 

I had Pete take some video of my turns and of course there was a few blooper takes before I could pull it together. It's a bit hard to see but I'm the one coming toward the camera.  You can really start to see me around second 13.

Since more of the mountain is open, and we skied the same trail all day last time I was there, I was finally in an area that sent me past the big terrain park. Boring, no one was doing anything. There is a rail jam in early March that we might go to.  I'll have to get video from Breck's park since the people that do that park are amazing.  The jumps are huge!

I did my first jump at Keystone and haven't tried anything since. Pete really wants me to do rails but the idea of falling over and over again in front of an audience isn't my type of fun on top of the immense pain from falling.  Even with pads it's not gonna be fun.  When I have one in my backyard then I'll do it.

Andy could only take a few runs so we took a quick break. The parking lot is a great place to hang out after a few runs with a beer.

So after a cold one we decided it was time to ski the bowl we came here for......

Before we headed over to the drop in point for the bowl we headed to a warming hut for a quick pit stop.

The picture came out cute and the elevation is nice to point out. The view from up there is amazing but the pictures still don't do it justice.

Like I said, I've never skied a bowl before and I was a little nervous since I suck in powder. Pete eventually calmed me down enough to get me to drop in. There is a groomed section of the trail and when I tried to go off it it was a disaster. I actually heard people laughing from the lift. That's what I get for doing it to people, karma's a bitch.

We headed back to the parking lot and headed toward home. Again we came across some people that needed a lift to the top of the divide. They had the cutest chocolate lab.

Everybody squeezed in and off we went. When we dropped them off I saw the funniest thing. A group of skiers/boarders were getting ready for lunch when they made their cooler....

I mean really, do you ever need more than a snow bank?

I'm trying to take more pictures so this blog is a little more interesting. I've come across some very funny and odd things since moving out here so I'll try my best to pass on the expereinces. So tune in becuase you never know what might show up!
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