Cookies - Having Fun in Colorado



So today I tried to make some sugar cookies with some store bought frosting and tried to decorate them with some colored sugar that I picked up around Valentines Day. 

Plus I tempered some chocolate to make the letters and the hearts. Since my ultimate plan is to sell them to resorts for weddings/showers, I took inspiration from Kari's upcoming nuptials. 

My attempt at a Monogram cookie.  The apartment was so warm that the M broke on me and when I adjusted it the chocolate smeared.  Lesson learned. I also learned what to use for my cookie cutters and how close to bake them.

Sparkle Heart

with chocolate detail

Tomorrow I plan on doing some more chocolate work.  I have a few things that I want to try and I'm hoping they come out good.  I'll post it no matter what happens. 

Other than that we did some running around today and went out to Marion's in Idaho Springs for Breakfast.

It was nice.  I was so hungry that I didn't take any pictures, I had a Belgian waffle with blueberry sauce and Pete had Chicken Fried Steak.  They say that their specialty is the Pancakes so I might have to try them next time.

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