3.25.10 - Having Fun in Colorado



Today I was felling a little down in the dumps about no forward movement with my 'real' job search and not being able to go to cooking school anytime in the near future to get retrained like those TV commercials tell me everyday .  I figured that I would take a look at the blog that kinda inspired me to start this one, " Jeff and Martha: My year of cooking fabulously", after seeing Martha's Blog Show a few months ago.

So I knew that Jeff was close to the end of his project, which is cooking the entire book in 365 days.  I read his graduation post and I wanted to see if there were recipes listed anywhere since I've been a little uninspired to cook anything lately.  Since Pete's been gone I've been living on soup, leftovers and whatever I can find in the freezer.

When I first heard about Martha's Cooking School book I was so excited.  It was definitely the one that I wanted next, especially since I'd be able to learn real cooking techniques.   I immediately looked it up on Amazon to see how much it was.  Now being unemployed I'm trying to keep a lid on spending and even though I really wanted it I couldn't see spending $35 on a cookbook, so my dreams of culinary home schooling were put on hold.

Today while I tried to find some pictures for this post I came across a listing for Martha's Cookbook for only $9!  I snatched it up and can't wait until it gets here.  I knew that it was worth the wait AND since Jeff has already reviewed the entire book I get to use his blog as a reference point.

Now all we need are a few more friends, who eat like normal people,  so we can start entertaining again.

I started prepping my dinner early, I made some brown rice for breakfast tomorrow.  One of Bethenny's recipes needs it and I've wanted to try it for quite sometime. 

For dinner I was making, Seafood Gratin.  I started by grilling the shrimp.

Then the sauce, I had to do this twice.  The first one was horrible.  I used tomato in the second sauce

I chopped the grilled shrimp, and added some sauteed veggies

Added the crumbled crab cake and topped with sauce

I topped it all with parm cheese and broiled it

Next time I know that I need to start with my Bechamel sauce and build it up from there.  

I noticed there was a ton of traffic today, so I don't know what happened on 70.

I had made some brownie sandwiches for dessert

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