Calling all New Yorkers - Having Fun in Colorado


Calling all New Yorkers

Help break the Pot luck World Record - Re-posted from ""

It’s anticipated that over 1000 people will attend this "Slideluck Potshow"–hopefully the hugest potluck ever. In fact, Slideluck Potshow is hoping to break the Guinness Book of World Records title for Largest Potluck on Earth (which is just over 600 distinct dishes served).

Representatives will be on hand to photograph each contributor with his/her dish. This potluck is passionate about local, seasonal ingredients and only dishes under that meet these qualifications will be counted. Heck, why not try to promote a healthful and sustainable food system?
So, what do you say? "Pre-register your dish" — they need you to help break the record! — and come be part of the Slideluck Potshow network!

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