5.12.10 - Having Fun in Colorado



So today Pete had the day off from training and was free until his first aid class at 6 so he had a chance to sleep in a bit.  The water level has been low so there's been a lot of paddling and his shoulders have been sore.  Lucky for him because this is what it looked like when I got up.

We decided to have some breakfast then head over to Georgetown to check out this used sporting goods store that's supposed to be great but really hard to catch it actually open for business.  So I decided to go with eggs this morning but a little different for each of us.



As you can see we like our eggs different ways and the corn bread I made the other day was so good that's really what I wanted for breakfast but figured I should add the egg for protein.

So, as expected, the shop was closed.  I was to busy snapping random pictures...

...instead of taking a picture of the front of the shop, duh!, I was more intrigued by this sink mounted on the side of the building. 
Pete got the owners number from the door.  His sign even told you that if there is fresh powder, 2" reported at A-Basin this morning, or if the river is running, it does all year, his shop is more than likely closed.  Next time we'll call in advance.  

So Pete's off to his class and I'm waiting for dinner, Chicken Pot Pie,to finish in the oven.  I sent my resume to the owner of the rafting company Pete's training with and he said I should come to the office tomorrow so hopefully something will come of that. Looks like they'll be doing stuff at the shop tomorrow because of the weather.  It should have been snowing like this in September and October not now!  Here is some video of what's going on outside.

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