5.15.10 - Having Fun in Colorado



So this morning I noticed that the pool cover had been removed

Upon closer inspection I saw that this is what is being done to get the pool ready for the season.  It's nice to see they care so much.  I'm not sure if it's doing anything at all.

Pete hit up A-Basin today with Mark and one of his friends and I headed out to Keystone to hit the village and look for a job but I was told something I had known already but forgot until now.  I need to meet with the HR office to apply and they aren't in on the weekend.  Duh!  So I'll be going back on Monday.  

Nothing much else going on today, I'll be in the kitchen as usual and Pete will be tired when he gets home so it'll be a TV night.  I might be able to get him to watch Cocktail, the bartending movie with Tom Cruise.  Surprisingly I've never seen it but I figured it would be a good idea even though it's not very realistic. 

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