So since they've made almost every soybean consumed in the United States Round up Ready, or in other words modified so horribly that after 3 generations any lab rat fed these soy beans were sterile or their babies die in less than 3 months, has decided to make alfalfa Round up Ready also.
Now this terrifies me. They already act like the mob when it comes to Soybean farmers that try to grow organic. If there are any Round up Ready soybeans found planted in a field of a farmer who is not affiliated with them watch out cause they'll come after you. Even if the seeds were carried by the wind and deposited in your field. They believe that you will try to perform some sort of espionage and extract the genetic code that makes them 'special', deadly is more like it.
I wish people would just leave our food alone. I know big companies don't care and it's all about the bottom dollar but people are getting cancer younger and younger and what's changed so much in the past 30 years? Food! Do they think they are immune because of their fat wallet? If I had the capital I would love to start an organic farm. No matter what I have to sacrifice I refuse to pump any kids I have full of that shit.
Freelance Writing Jobs, March 25, 2025
1 day ago
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