So today I took the time, while I was doing laundry and other chores that made me wait around, to count up and start my spreadsheet of my Cooking School lessons so I can track my progress properly.
The number of actual recipes included in the book are: 228
And then there are misc lessons and 'extra credit' as Martha calls them that total: 186
So that means there are about 400 things that I need to do/make from this book. As I go I'm assuming that I'll make adjustments to this number.
Since this isn't the only thing that I'm working on at the moment I'm being flexible with the end date. I know most people do this in a year but since watching the documentary Food, Inc. the other day I'm going to try feed Pete and I as much organic as possible. I'd rather eat less of a higher quality food (organic, local, in season) instead of cheap crap. I may have said it before but I always slip back to buying crap. Not anymore. So I'd like to do my recipes with some amazing food I can find from local farmers and farmers markets this summer.
So it's gonna be a long road but now that I've looked at everything in this book I'm really excited and can't wait until I can say that I cooked my way thru it.
Freelance Writing Jobs, March 25, 2025
1 day ago
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