New Project - Having Fun in Colorado


New Project

Since I'm waiting patiently to get something through my temp agency or one of the million job emails I send out daily I've started to consider what I can do to make money, preferably sooner than later, doing something that I really enjoy.  Obviously the blog started as a way to keep people back home up to date, but It's really reminded me how much I love to write.  I had looked up last summer how you could "Make money writing"   so I think I might give it a go.

I love the idea since it was what I originally dreamed of moving to NY to do.  

When I actually got there the stress of the environment and the need to make money took over and writing really never happened.  I'm doing 2 sample pieces on documentaries I watched this past week to get going.  My goal is to write an article a day next week, starting on Monday.  This week will be for brainstorming topic ideas, finding what articles are the most marketable and general research.
I did a little research this morning to get started:
"How to write an article in 20 minutes"

"Magazine Writing Tips"

"Tips for getting Published"

"How to write book review"

"How to write a movie review"

"How to write restaurant reviews"

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