3.18.10 - Having Fun in Colorado



oToday Pete and Tara went up to Berthoud Pass to hike and Split board in Pete's case

I stayed home today and got jump start on my garden.  I bought one of those greenhouse starter trays so I pulled out the extras and added the water for them to expand.

I sorted all my seed packets and decided that I would plant 2 pods for each

I picked 2 types of flowers

2 Types of Herbs

2 Organic Peppers - 1 Hot & 1 Sweet

Here is the final product (without labels)

Hopefully something will happen with them.  I have them set up by the window and will be giving updates if/when anything happens.

For dinner today I was trying to clear out some of the veggies that were in the fridge

 So we made some Chicken & Veggie Fajitas

We topped it with some avocado that we had leftover from the BLOAT's.  I ended up making some saffron rice since the leftovers were going to be used for lunch at Vail on Friday and it helped spread it out for more people.

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