Craft Project - Faberge Heart - Having Fun in Colorado


Craft Project - Faberge Heart

I started cross-stitching again when Pete and I quit smoking last summer.  I've done about 4 large projects that I will take pictures of when they are completed to my liking.  I added additional beading to them and am still working out the final details.

I wanted to stay on track with "Martha's Calendar" so I needed to start a new project.  I downloaded a bunch of patterns from some  "Free Sites" I found when I first started so I looked thru what I had and fell in love with this one. 

Now mine isn't totally finished.  I have a lot of the middle that still needs to be stitched, then I need to bead, matte and frame it before it's totally done.  I'll be taking a pic of mine later today so check back.

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