I did come across one that I was really excited about. They are holding phone interviews this week and next then if you make it the face to face on the 15th or 16th. They are a sustainability company and I had to answer how it meant to me. You'd be surprised how many people don't read to the bottom of the ad to see if there is additional information to be submitted. It's a easy trick to weed out the people who don't pay attention. Hopefully it works in my favor.
After that I did some more research, filled in character sheets for a book idea I'm fleshing out and sorted/arranged/deleted pictures from all the photo albums on top of fixing the links from when i changed the page formatting HTML. Tomorrow if there is a need for it I will forward people to my blog for a deeper understanding of me and my writing. Hopefully it will help.
Talked with Mike and Kaui for a bit and it looks like I have the best brother in the world. Can you say Wii?
Tonight for dinner I finally made my salad....I realized I forgot the walnuts, so I'll post another one when I make it right.
and Sauteed Mushroom and Asparagus with Chilled Steamed Shrimp
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