So my Christmas started out good, I headed out to work for my first shift and I ended up making a decent amount of dinero, just look at my awesome spanish, for a lunch shift. So I decided since I was probably going to be home late I'd make the drive home during my midday break. This would have been easier if I left at 2:30 like scheduled but it just didn't work out that way. I literally came in the house said 'Hi' to Pete and left. He did manage to surprise me with the shirt I liked at Keystone. Translated it means...Who is the most epic? I am the most epic!
Here's the front
And the back
and a Nepalese bracelet from our friend Kumar, Who by the way would be my one and only choice to go rafting with. The man has like 30 years experience! It's a good thing since I think that's where Pete and I will be working this summer. I usually get roped into trips. This year I'm looking forward to being on the water more.
So I head back to work and as I'm about to make the turn off our little hill, where you can't stop if you're driving my car, a car packed full of people stop on the WRONG SIDE of the ROAD and give my dirty looks cause I almost hit them. Yeah, you where stopped in the middle of the road pointed the wrong direction on the wrong side. Really!!!???!!!
Then as I'm driving toward where the road is paved there is a guy in the middle of the street putting his hand out for me to stop. You want to know why? Well it was because his kid was sledding their driveway. Really!!!???!!! I almost stopped the car and got out to tell him what I thought. I was on my way to work. Maybe if you think your kid is that stupid, the driveway wasn't even steep enough to ride down, you should sled in the backyard! They had plenty of other spots on the property that would have been much better suited. They were probably to lazy to walk through powder.
Anyway, the rest of the day was fine until I was leaving work. I was waiting at the light by the restaurant, which has been taking like 15 mins to change this week, when a guy in a old bronco or something flew by going at least 60. It's 35 there and is for another 2 miles. He had his flashers on so I guess he was trying to warn everyone of his stupidity. I was expecting to see the cops chasing but no luck.
We did manage to give away one of the gifts we bought this year. Andy was joking months ago that we all needed snuggies to lounge around the house in. Well, that's what he got for Christmas. And they are even multi-purpose, who knew you could wear them fishing!
And look people are even taking the snuggie and making it into redneck evening wear!
Freelance Writing Jobs, March 25, 2025
1 day ago
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