December 2010 - Having Fun in Colorado


Munich River Surfing
Brooklyn Tornado?
December 31, 20100 Comments
Wow, I was looking for some other videos on the Weather Channel and somehow I missed hearing about this. 

Here is a street cam video

And another one I found on YouTube where you can see it from a distance
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Christmas Day Drama
December 25, 20100 Comments
So my Christmas started out good, I headed out to work for my first shift and I ended up making a decent amount of dinero, just look at my awesome spanish, for a lunch shift.  So I decided since I was probably going to be home late I'd make the drive home during my midday break.  This would have been easier if I left at 2:30 like scheduled but it just didn't work out that way.  I literally came in the house said 'Hi' to Pete and left.  He did manage to surprise me with the shirt I liked at Keystone.  Translated it means...Who is the most epic?  I am the most epic!

Here's the front

And the back

and a Nepalese bracelet from our friend Kumar, Who by the way would be my one and only choice to go rafting with.  The man has like 30 years experience!  It's a good thing since I think that's where Pete and I will be working this summer.  I usually get roped into trips.  This year I'm looking forward to being on the water more. 
 So I head back to work and as I'm about to make the turn off our little hill, where you can't stop if you're driving my car, a car packed full of people stop on the WRONG SIDE of the ROAD and give my dirty looks cause I almost hit them.  Yeah, you where stopped in the middle of the road pointed the wrong direction on the wrong side.  Really!!!???!!!

Then as I'm driving toward where the road is paved there is a guy in the middle of the street putting his hand out for me to stop.  You want to know why?  Well it was because his kid was sledding their driveway.  Really!!!???!!!  I almost stopped the car and got out to tell him what I thought.  I was on my way to work.  Maybe if you think your kid is that stupid, the driveway wasn't even steep enough to ride down, you should sled in the backyard!  They had plenty of other spots on the property that would have been much better suited.  They were probably to lazy to walk through powder. 

Anyway, the rest of the day was fine until I was leaving work.  I was waiting at the light by the restaurant, which has been taking like 15 mins to change this week, when a guy in a old bronco or something flew by going at least 60.  It's 35 there and is for another 2 miles.  He had his flashers on so I guess he was trying to warn everyone of his stupidity.  I was expecting to see the cops chasing but no luck. 

We did manage to give away one of the gifts we bought this year.  Andy was joking months ago that we all needed snuggies to lounge around the house in.  Well, that's what he got for Christmas.  And they are even multi-purpose, who knew you could wear them fishing!

And look people are even taking the snuggie and making it into redneck evening wear!
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A long day at the Post Offices
December 23, 20100 Comments
So today Pete and I tried to get some stuff done and headed out to the Post Office.  We went to Frisco where there was a line that lasted about 5 minutes and they lady was so nice.  He even talked to someone in the parking lot who's daughter does music therapy.

 We drove back to Breck and found we had some pick up notes in our box and we made the decision to wait in the LONG line for an hour to get our stuff.  We were talking to the people in front of us and the lady had lived in NYC in the 80's came here for a break and never went back.  When we finally got to the front there was a teller with a shaved head and a tiny santa hat.  I didn't have the nerve to take a pic.  Too bad it was really funny.
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Who's 16???
December 22, 20100 Comments
So when Pete and I stopped at wal-mart to grab a few last minute Christmas things we grabbed some smokes.  The guy behind the register told Pete not to let me have any because I was too young.  I always laugh when people say that kind of stuff to me.  I let him know that 1.  I'm older than Pete and 2. I would be more that happy to show him my ID proving I'm 32.  He made me show it to him, of course and still looked like he didn't believe it!  16 is such an odd number too!  Most people will think 20-25 which is why I really only get carded in liquor stores. 
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Snowboard Superpipe Finals
Kevin Pearce Interview PT 2
Kevin Pearce Interview PT 1
Kona ate my cookies
December 20, 20100 Comments

So I got home from work today and had noticed that there was a zip lock bag in the middle of the kitchen floor. When I picked it up it was chewed and I noticed cookie crumbs in it. Kona was hiding under the table and wouldn't come near me and that's when it dawned on me, the cookies I had set aside for Angie and Doug were enjoyed by Kona when everyone was outside shoveling. I was worried that he would get sick, but Tara said he would have to eat 4 full size candy bars to get really sick. So thank goodness I saved the extra cookie dough today when I baked. I'll be making my replacement cookies tomorrow so I can get everything in the mail before work tomorrow. Hopefully we'll have power back by then. Damn our electric stove!!!
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We found the problem
December 20, 20100 Comments
So Pete just called me to say that: 1. All the lights are out from where we get on Rte 9 all the way to the town of Breck.

2. Even the radio station isn't broadcasting

3. He saw the ass that caused this problem. Looks like some jerk hit a transformer near swan mountain road. That was my guess from the start. That's gonna be a costly one buddy.
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A night with out power
December 19, 20100 Comments
And heat for that matter! Thank God for the gas fireplace. It just happened about 15 minutes ago as Pete was leaving for work. We grabbed the candles and his head lamp and turned off some of the breakers so when it comes back on his audio equipment doesn't get fried. That's the last thing we need. Hopefully the power will be back on soon. When Pete did leave we saw our neighbor Willie heading to their generator to turn it on. We really need to get one if we plan on staying in these conditions.
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Breck is the first stop on the 2010 Dew Tour



Alex's Going Away
December 17, 20100 Comments
So we had a little party for Alex before she headed back home.  Tara was nice enough to make us a special dessert.  A family recipe called 'Cobbler Cake'. 
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Pets are good for you
December 17, 20100 Comments

"Taken From"

1. Prevent Allergies - Pets can help prevent eczema and some allergies in children. Children who live with dogs have lower rates of childhood eczema and children raised with cats or dogs from their first year of life are less likely to develop pet allergies.
2. They lower healthcare costs - People who own pets traditionally make fewer trips to the doctor than those who don't. As a result, pets help keep the cost of health care down for individuals as well as our nation.
3. They lower cholesterol - Pet owners tend to have lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels than people who don't have pets.
4. They relax you - Petting pets has been shown to reduce blood pressure and heart rates in adults. Even being in the same room with pets, including fish in tanks, can lower blood pressure and reduce stress in adults and children.
5. They keep you fit - Regardless of age, people who have pets, especially dogs, get more exercise than non-pet owners. While this isn't surprising for dog owners, owners of other kinds of pets are also more likely to be physically active than people who don't have pets.
6. They're good for your heart - Last but not least, dog and cat owners are significantly more likely to survive heart attacks than non-pet owners, regardless of the severity of the heart attacks.
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Goodbye Larry King
Salvia on Air
December 17, 20100 Comments
After the bong incident with Miley Cyrus I guess everyone is interested in trying Salvia.  It is legal and can be bought over the counter but to do it on air is strange.  I guess he really wanted to prove his point.  It's almost painful to watch.

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Last Nights Forecast
December 16, 20100 Comments
And where Pete was heading to work they were reporting -12. 

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Our Christmas Tree
December 16, 20100 Comments
We aren't doing anything special for Christmas this year but Sheila pulled out some of her stuff and decorated one of the trees we have in the living room.  At least we have a place to put presents! 

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Our Road, During the Storm
December 15, 20100 Comments
We finally made it home and I decided to film the drive up our road so you see what we face everyday.  My little car does OK on it, as long as it's been plowed. 

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Crazy Snowstorm!
December 15, 20100 Comments
So on our way home from Keystone the road from Frisco to Breck, Rt 9 was shut down for a gas leak, so we decided to take another way home and do a little bit of X-mas shopping on the way.  It had started to snow pretty hard by time we left Bed Bath & Beyond we saw a hit and run accident at the light.

We had taken Swan Mountain Road earlier in the day to get over to Dillon but the trip home was not as easy.  We made it to the top but that's where everything started falling apart.  Here are some videos from our trip home.

First encountering the idiots in the snow

Pete helping push one of the idiots

The Snowplow Finally arrives

The Decent

Cops on the Road - Bottom of Swan Mountain Road

Traffic!!!!  It might look like these cars are moving but they are at a dead stop.

Dude in a Ditch
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Three days in a row!!
December 15, 20100 Comments
So Pete told me that in my 3 seasons now I've never been 3 days in a row.  I have now accomplished that goal.  I'll try to condense my three days to one post for easier reading.

Day 1 - Monday, Breckenridge
So we got to see a couple of the snow designs from the Snowflake Festival. 

Day 2 - Tuesday, Breckenridge
Got off to a little bit of a slow start.  But we made it out the door.  Our timing actually worked perfect because we passed the snow cats at the top of a trail.   Next time by we got to take the wide open freshly groomed trail. 

Day 3 - Wednesday, Keystone
We headed over to Keystone so I could hit up the HR office and talk to the lady that Pete knows but when we got there she was gone.  We headed over to the 'recruiter' who gave me the same run around that you get if they don't know who you are.  I did get to prove to Pete how crappy their site is because when I went to log in the sign in link just re-loads the home page.  Nice work right!  Whoever paid for that site is a fool.  But whatever!  We headed over to the employee center, cause Pete had some questions, so I had a chance to take a pic of the first layer that I want.  We need to find out if Pete gets any discounts on the products they sell there.  Would have been good to ask then but it's not that important. 

Then it was finally time to head up the hill.  Here is the lift we skied, first time for me.  I liked parking in this area.  You don't have to walk thru the village and there is no line.
No special meaning to this pic, I just thought it was funny.  A little hard to see but it says, 'Speed Limit Mellow'

We made it over to where the snow fort is.  I'm not sure if it was this close to being finished this time last year.

We called it a day and started heading home.  Pete pointed this road out to me, what the people who work at Keystone call the 'Million Dollar Road'.  Wanna know why?  Cause it's heated!  Can you believe that in Colorado?!?  Anyway, I tried to show as best I can the snow around it but not on it.
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What's your Zombie Plan?
December 11, 20100 Comments
Should have posted this closer to Halloween but we were talking about it recently and it's such a funny video.  Enjoy!

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Kiddie Dance Star
MySpace...Remember Them?
December 11, 20100 Comments

So this post is a little dated but, to become more relevant MySpace has revamped to be more like Facebook.  I personally hate Facebook, it took me forever to figure out how to get to my wall to look at posts from my Birthday.  And I'm not someone who has a problem learning/using programs.
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Sidehilling on Snowmobile
December 11, 20100 Comments
This is the kind of deadly stuff Pete gets to ride at work but he doesn't have this nice of a sled.
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Olympian Night
December 11, 20100 Comments
So the craziest thing happened last night at work, it was a little bit slow in the bar and I saw some drinks that needed to be taken to the dining room so I walked them over.  What I found was the most exciting thing to happen, in a good way, since I moved here. 

Three girls were sitting at the table and the one closest to me I recognized right away as Kelly Clark, the Olympic Snowboarder.

One of the girls that was served a drink looked incredibly familiar but I couldn't place her.  I thought at first it was Lindsay Vonn but after looking at some pictures today I really think it was another very famous snowboarder, Gretchen Bleiler.

Both have won Olympic medals in Halfpipe so that was a pretty cool experience.  Who would have thought that they would come into our restaurant?
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So much for Bowling
December 10, 20100 Comments

So I had planned a girls night out in Dillon, where summit county's only bowling alley is located, only to be thwarted by Mother Nature!  It's snowing and a foot should be falling overnight! 

UPDATE:  Holy Crap was it hard to drive home.  There had to have been 6" of choppy snow on the ground.  I-70 is closed again!  Two times so far this year already.  I bumped into a guy who drove up from Denver and he said the Tunnel was a mess.  Thankfully Pete got to work without an issue. 
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Lynx on the Road
December 09, 20100 Comments
So I saw what I guess is a Lynx the other night on my drive home from work.  Obviously this isn't the same one but they really look alike.  He jumped over a snowbank from someones yard and started running on the road.  I sped up to see what it was and I scared him off.  Crazy...I don't want to run into a cat that big EVER!
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Road Closure
December 07, 20100 Comments

So I was driving to work on Tuesday and happened to see Tara walking to the bus so I picked her up.  As we headed toward Frisco we noticed a bunch of traffic building up and finally we saw a snow plow in the road blocking the highway and sending people over a pass.  I had Pete's car that day but there was no way I was taking the road they were sending us on. 

The road wasn't closed for snow....looked like there was a nasty accident on the other side.  I'm not surprised since people fly around the turn there and it's usually snow pack over ice.  We didn't make it in and thankfully everyone understands that if you can't get there you can't get there. 
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New Hanukkah Song for 2010
Salsa Dancing Dog
December 04, 20100 Comments
This is the funniest thing I've ever seen.  I want our next dog to do this!

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Holy Crap
This is why I am terrified of hitting a dear
December 04, 20100 Comments
With my luck him being in the car wouldn't be a help.

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Those crazy Brits!
What a Dumbass
Crazy Ass Bear
What I almost looked like
December 04, 20100 Comments
So I was on the weather channel today looking to see what our forecast would be for the next few days and I came across some video that was stunning. 

Here is one of cars in Seattle sliding down a hill....

Here is one of Buffalo, where people were stuck on the highway, Crazy!
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