November 2010 - Having Fun in Colorado


Finally, Thanksgiving
November 30, 20100 Comments
Finally had a chance to make my Turkey. It even worked out that everyone was home to eat togethe...
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Should Dogs get Thanksgiving Leftovers?
Best part of the Thanksgiving Day Parade
Taylor Swift on Chelsea Lately


Cinnamon Sugar French Toast


Thanksgiving at the Restaurant
November 25, 20100 Comments
So since Thanksgiving is supposed to be one of the busiest days of the year for us we do a huge buffet and everyone works.  This year I had the assignment of Hostess.  I wasn't too happy about it in the beginning but I figured I'd be able to have my own dinner since I'd get out at 4. Since things were slower than normal in the morning I was asked to stay and hang out for another hour just in case it got super busy.  Well, I had some...
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Blueberry Cobbler with Ice Cream
November 24, 20100 Comments
Finally got a chance to use my dessert dishes.  Here is a dessert I whipped up......
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Mini Bites
November 24, 20100 Comments
Here are some appetizers I made when Alex was over for Sunday wine night.  Grilled french bread with olive oil topped with Homemade Olive Tapenade, Organic Salami and Shaved Parmesan Chees...
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More Funny Bumper Stickers
November 24, 20100 Comments
Saw this one at the store yesterday, too funny...
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Apres Ski Hero's
November 24, 20100 Comments
Pete and Mark went skiing and when they came home they were super hungry.  I had made a huge batch of sauce, meatballs and sausage so what could be better than some Parm Hero's. The picture was really hard to take so it doesn't look good but boy did they hit the spot with some fries we had in the freezer.  I didn't take a pic with the cheese cause you couldn't see anything but white cheese and bread...
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The Road before the Plow
November 24, 20100 Comments
This was taken some time earlier this week, this is what our road looks like before the plow makes it down here around 11am....
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Almost Gone Around
November 23, 20100 Comments
So yesterday I had the most frightening experience of my driving life.  I was taking my time, even though the roads were much better, getting to Alex's house to grab her for work.  She's on a road that is pretty steep with a switchback.  It gets tons of traffic and looked really clear.  On our way down, while going 15 mph and going slowly around a turn in the road, the whole back-end of my car swung around almost sending us...
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Motorcycle in Snow?
November 22, 20100 Comments
 So again, because it's safety first out here I don't have a picture of this, but today when I went to pick up Alex to drive us to work there was a guy a few cars ahead of me that was on a motorcycle, with a sidecar no less.  I'm not sure why people here think that the slippery snow and dangerous roads are the perfect place to try driving things that shouldn't be on a road.&nbs...
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Apple Peach Cobbler
November 22, 20100 Comments
It's always good to have something sweet in the hous...
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November 19, 20100 Comments
So today Alex and I decided to hit up Breck.  We waited until 10:30 and headed to the Gondy.  Since our last adventure we found there was a beginner area to the left of the main lift on the Peak we get dropped off on. First we headed to the real beginner bunny slope but it was so much less of a hike than what we already did to get there that it seemed like a waste.  We continued our hike to where some instructors were giving lessons. ...
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Steak, Edamame and Mashed Potatoes with Scallions
November 18, 20100 Comments
Not sure when we made this but here is a shot of it from what I guess are now my 'archives'.  I've decided to take some of my better pictures and start a portfolio for future clients.  Anything to get closer to that ultimate goal.  Anyway, this will not be a picture featured but it was a good meal. ...
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Damn Blackberry!
November 18, 20100 Comments
Pete's Blackberry is giving him problems with scrolling down.  I did a little bit of research today to find out the quick fix and along the way found out how to clean them also.  Hopefully that will help with this problem in the future.  HOW TO GET TRACKBALL MOVING AGAIN HOW TO CLEAN YOUR TRACKBAL...
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Corvette in Snow
November 17, 20100 Comments
(Not the actual car that I saw, I'm not stupid enough to try and take pictures and drive in snow at the same time.) So on my way to work I was stuck behind a genius that decided it was a great idea to drive his 'vette around during a snow storm.  Needless to say we were doing 25 when 40 would have been much more acceptable. ...
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Conan's new Show
November 16, 20100 Comments
We DVR'ed Conan's first show of his new series. It seems like it's gonna be a good one. He even played some songs with Jack black.I had no idea that he was so good on the guitar...
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Kids in the Hall: Death comes to Town
November 16, 20100 Comments
I love Kids in the Hall.  So much so that when our cable company removed Comedy Central from its listings a few of us became disgruntled and contacted the Cable station to let them know how we felt.  Surprisingly, they really didn't care to listen to a bunch of teenagers. Anyway, Kids in the Hall reunited for a mini-series that was just as good and shocking as any of their earlier stuff.  Here is a trailer, watch the series if you...
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The Snow Got The Best Of Me....
November 16, 20100 Comments
  (This is what I would have had to do to get to work today.  Too bad I don't have cross country skis yet) And almost everyone else for that matter. I was getting ready to go to work when Sheila got home and told me not to even think about getting on the roads. I'll admit I was nervous when I had gone out earlier to brush off my car and there was almost a foot of snow on the road and no plows in sight. I called the restaurant and they...
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Chicken Parm
November 16, 20100 Comments
I forgot about this picture so now I can write about the amazing, mouth-watering Chicken Parm I made a few weeks ago.  I took the time and did the work (aka pounding the chicken into thin cutlets) and it was well worth it.  I need to make this again soon it's perfect for this time of year...
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November 16, 20100 Comments
Snowing still...Pete headed to Breck today with Andy to hit the slopes.  I'm amazed how much snow has fallen so I grabbed a quick shot this morning and it's still going out there. ...
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November 16, 20100 Comments
So after our first adventure we headed down to town to get Alex's pass and head up the Gondola.  The 4 person chair was packed so we opted for Chair 5 that took us to an Easy/Green Trail.  I know when I started snowboarding getting off the lift was the scariest thing that I had to do.  My mistake was that the 2 person chair we were on didn't detach and therefore didn't slow down for you to get off.  I tried to get a picture of...
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Near Disaster - 10.15.10
November 16, 20100 Comments
So as usual Alex came over for Sunday dinner & wine and we planned, since I have Monday off this week, to hit up Breck for our first day of the 2010 season, so she spent the night.  It was a powder day since there is a storm moving thru and our road hadn't been plowed yet but we needed to get moving.  We headed up the little hill to the main road and I told Alex the story about this couple that I was laughing at the other day who...
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The stupidity here baffles me
November 14, 20100 Comments
So I went out on the deck today to do a little bit of shoveling before Pete got home and saw perhaps the most stupid thing anyone has done since I've been here.  Two guys, and I mean grown men, in only goggles, hoodies and pants flew, 60 mph would be my guess, down our road and back then took off toward Ski Hill Road or closer to the resort for anyone how doesn't live here.  I don't know why you wouldn't wear helmets when you're going...
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My favorite Pic - Fall
November 13, 20100 Comments
So I want to get a great picture from each of the seasons here and have it on the mantle or something.  Here is my top pic from fall of this year....
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November 13, 20100 Comments
This is Mad-Dog (no effects were used on her eyes, that's just how it happened) Maddie is her real name and here are some better pictures of her.  It was so nice to have her around, she's a good girl and really just wants to be loved.  She drools like crazy and you have to be careful or she's slime you. ...
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Playing with Fire
November 13, 20100 Comments
Before Andy and Sheila moved out of their old place we went over for one last dinner.  We were trying to cook down the briquettes and the flame was the coolest color so we had to mess around and try and get some pictures.  Needs some editing but it still looks pretty cool....
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Shopping - Frisco Main Street
November 13, 20100 Comments
So Sheila and I went to Frisco awhile back to look at a new consignment shop she had heard about.  I ended up getting a bracelet that I wore for Halloween, I fell in love.  It's hard to see how much it sparkles in the picture. It turns out that she was a Hollywood costume designer and is pulling things from her own collection and selling them in this shop.  It's a place that I'll have to check back into from time to time. They have...
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Ahh, the things you see in Colorado
November 13, 20100 Comments
So on one of my many trips to Idaho Springs since we've moved to Summit County I saw this bumper sticker at the grocery store.  You should have seen his truck, you can tell from the picture a little but it had tons of body damage.&nbs...
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Snow for Real
November 13, 20100 Comments
Here is the pic I got of our little storm earlier in the week and it kept going. ...
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This is how I feel about Hybrids
November 13, 20100 Comments
I've been watching lots of South Park to get into a Colorado state of mind and came across the 'Pious' episode again.  They really weren't joking when they talked about the attitude the owners have here.   ...
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Ghetto Standmixer
November 13, 20100 Comments
This cracks me up!...
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More Old Pics
November 13, 20100 Comments
This is one I've been hanging on to for awhile.  It's nice to see how green it will be this summer on the mountain.  So this is a shot of the summer traffic, that they say is worse that the winter traffic, on I-70 heading to Denver, and it wasn't moving any faster than 15 mph. This was taken at BBQ Smoking Yards in Idaho Springs.  I think when we were there for the end of season rafting 'carnage' party.  It's good to know...
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Really wanting a Puppy
November 13, 20100 Comments
This is a dog that we saw in the late summer that I forgot to post about.  So sweet!  I can't wait until we can get Diesel out here.  Poppa Joe says that all he wants to do is play and it would be so much easier for us to entertain a puppy than Joe.  Maybe for Christmas, we'll keep our fingers crossed.&nbs...
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Apple Cinnamon Granola
November 13, 20100 Comments
Granola is always good to have on hand and I've been hooked on the Simply Apple juice with Club, a princess cocktail as Emil calls it, so instead of using OJ like I would normally would when I whip up some granola I used the apple.&nbs...
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Blueberry Tart with Ice Cream
November 13, 20100 Comments
I have to say I really love the way that the pictures look in the new kitchen.  I love that window above the sink.  Even on snowy days there is tons of light.  Everyone loved these we had the option of apple also but this is the one I got a shot of.&nbs...
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Lemon Poppyseed Bread
November 13, 20100 Comments
Since there is always someone running somewhere in this house I wanted to have some bread ready to grab and go if anyone needed it.  I've been messing around with adjusting baking mixes for the altitude and it seems to be working pretty well so far.&nbs...
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November 13, 20100 Comments
These came out soooooo good!  Slow cooked ribs in BBQ sauce served with Rice and Garlic Green Beans.  ...
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Berry Jam Thumbprint Cookies
November 13, 20100 Comments
So I have been doing a little bit of cooking.  I read recently that you need to really check the expiration dates on packaged cake/cookie mixes so I've been trying to use what I have in the house.  I decided to use some awesome Huckleberry Jam that our roommates offered to the cause and some raspberry we had laying around so we'd have some choices.  Everyone enjoyed them.&nbs...
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November 13, 20100 Comments
So I'm trying to get a plan together on how I can stay consistent with my postings, so here's what I've come up with.  Once a week I'll do an overall update and that will take place on one of my days off.  Since I don't have to be to work until later in the day and it doesn't seem to bother Pete that I write while he's sleeping behind me there will be at least three more days during the week that I'll post misc. things.  Today will...
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Win Everytime - Rock Paper Scissors
November 13, 20100 Comments
Thanks to "FlowingData" ...
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Making a Living off Grilled Cheese
November 13, 20100 Comments
This story is crazy, Taken from the "NY Post"  I do have to say that I'm going to try his little trick for the crispy sandwich.  'The underground chef takes orders by text message, cooks his sandwiches on the stove in his brother's East Village apartment, and then meets his customers on street corners.  "I feel like a drug dealer because I'm handing people a paper bag and they're handing me cash," the unlicensed cheese...
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Someone broke into Cono's!
November 13, 20100 Comments
This was a shocker when I saw it in the "Post", Cono's is a restaurant that's very popular in our old neighborhood.  Anyone with a half of a brain should know not to try and steal from ANY Italian place in that 'hood.  Recently I've been watching a lot of the TV show Mobsters on the Bio channel and let me tell ya it all takes place in Williamsburg, Brooklyn....
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Crazy Moto Race - X Games 16 - Day 3
November 13, 20100 Comments
During the race for the bronze metal when the riders thought the race was over they both jumped back on their bikes in a mad dash to properly finish the race. The final was just crazy.  Who knew anyone could make such a comeback! ...
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Vintage Tina Fey
November 13, 20100 Comments
Lol, Too Funny!  I bet she's glad she doesn't have to do bank commercials anymore.  ...
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Kermit headed to the Smithsonian
November 13, 20100 Comments
Jane Henson, widow of Muppet creator Jim Henson, is donating the original Kermit puppet to the Smithsonian Museum along with 9 others.  The original Kermit was made from a jacket that Jim's mother threw away.&nbs...
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