February 2010 - Having Fun in Colorado


Another win for Jimmy
February 28, 20100 Comments
Today's race was at Vegas Motor Speedway.  We were hoping that our hometown boy, Kurt Busch, driver of the #2 would win.  It wasn't meant to be this year for Kurt even though he won the pole.  He hit the wall early on and was taken out of the race. Kim Kardashian was Grand Marshall  Mike Bliss drove the car with her fragrance as the sponsor and she made a comment about the "Pink Jumpsuit", aka fire suit, he had to wear to...
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6 Min
Closing Ceremonies
February 28, 20100 Comments
Another Olympics are coming to an end and it's time for another closing ceremonies.  I didn't watch but the pictures seemed really cool.  I especially liked that they were using snowboards as props. They even had a moose parade I heard on the news that Vail is honoring Lindsey Vonn by naming an intermediate trail after her on the mountain.  I might try to hunt it down later this season. So next it's off to Russia in 2014. ...
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6 Min
February 28, 20100 Comments
After all the fuss this morning I tried to take my aggression out on something productive so I decided to sort the CD cases.  In our rush to move we didn't take too much care with the CD's when they were packed.  If there were loose ones and there was room on a spool that's where they went.  So after checking all the cases this is what we have to find disks for.   The other day I made Pulled BBQ Pork in the Slow Cooker. I...
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6 Min
Brian's Turning Stone Boxing Match
February 28, 20100 Comments
Brian, my soon to be cousin in law, had a boxing match this weekend at Turning Stone.  It's a bummer we couldn't be there but plans have changed, and so has our location, since we first heard about it. Since he's a total bad ass it's no surprise that he won his match.  He's the one in the black shorts. "Times Union Part 1"  "Times Union Part ...
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6 Min
E Trade Super Bowl Commercials
February 28, 20100 Comments
Since I was posting some favorite commercials, if there really is such a thing, I thought that the best one from the super bowl should be recognized.  It wasn't actually played during the Super bowl but it should have been.  "2010 ETrade Commercial Outtakes" Plus who doesn't love the milk-a-holic?  "Girlfriend" ...
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6 Min
My new Favorite Commercials
February 28, 20100 Comments
How funny is this series of commercials? If only I had TV's installed in my car. It may need to be added after we have kids. "Sienna Minivan - Time Out Commercial " Pete and I have been in a heated debate about what the name of my car should be.  On the drive out here he was calling it the Love Bug since he said it looked like a little bug following him down the Highway. Since we've been in Colorado it's been re-named The Purple Pig. ...
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6 Min
Casting For The Russian Jersey Shore!
February 28, 20100 Comments
OMG, I would totally watch this.  I know some crazy characters from that area.   "Casting For The Russian Jersey Shore!" Nothing can beat the original in my opinion and I can't wait for the second season.   But I still think that it was all spawned from the  " My new Hair cut Vide...
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6 Min
Shaun's A Designer
February 28, 20100 Comments
Who knew he was interested in designing anything other than snowboarding gear?   I'll have to keep an eye out so I can check it out when it hits stores and grab anything that's good.  Anything from that line should be Colorado appropriate.  "Shaun's A Designer...
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6 Min


It's that time of week again.....
February 27, 20100 Comments
Nascar time! This is Danica Patrick's last race until June. Thank goodness cause I'm really over Danika Mania. The commentators are giving her a hard time cause she's acting like a baby when she messes up or gets wrecked. It's racing! and really if she wants any sort of respect in this series she needs to man up a little bit.  She blew off an interview cause she was too busy throwing a hissy fit.  It really just makes women participating...
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6 Min
Spork, The vicious weiner dog
February 27, 20100 Comments
Poor Puppy.  This dog is being charged and might be put down, after nipping a vet tech in the face during an exam.  Now don't get me wrong, I know that dogs shouldn't be biting people but when Blitz would go to the vet he would get a muzzle so something like this didn't happen.  Take no chances with old dogs, that's my motto.  If you want to read the story from KDVR just click on the link below. "Spork's Story" Here is a pic...
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6 Min


What's up with the boots?
February 26, 20100 Comments
I don't really think that leather over the knee boots work for a TV interview with Jeans and a Hoodie.   But hey, that's just my opinion....
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6 Min
East Coast Snow
February 26, 20100 Comments
A friend from NYC posted this picture of the snow on their facebook   I wish we had that much here...
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6 Min
February 26, 20100 Comments
Happy Birthday to John Charette, he's the one rolling on the ground BTW. Pete and I got up early to go skiing today again at A-Basin but....before that we called the Birthday boy just so he knew we didn't forget about him.  He must have taken a well deserved day off cause we had to leave a voice mail.   We had a quick breakfast and out the door we went.  Since I took a ton of pics last time I left the camera at home.  Traffic...
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6 Min


February 25, 20100 Comments
Today Pete and I were driving around Denver and I took a few pics on the way since Pete was driving today.  This is a little of Golden from I-70 E  before we get off our exit to head to John's There is some big project going on but it's looked like this for months know.  I'm not sure what it's going to connect to.  This is the license plate that I really wanted.  It would look so good with the color of my car. but...
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6 Min
Get Your Pet A Croc Bed
February 25, 20100 Comments
This is just too much! People shouldn't wear them and dogs shouldn't sleep in them. "Get Your Pet A Croc Bed"...
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6 Min


February 24, 20100 Comments
REVISED:  I told you this, but just to be consistent, here is my belated birthday post Happy Birthday Dad! What an absolutely amazing day today was. Pete and I headed to A-Basin for the opening of the Montezuma Bowl. Just so you know..... This is the bumper sticker that I passed in the parking lot and that pretty much summed up today's skiing experience. We had some breakfast at home and hit the road early to try and get first chair....
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6 Min
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