1.21.10 - Having Fun in Colorado



Pete and I have really gotten into the IndoBoard that Paul got me for my Birthday/Christmas gift.

It's supposed to build your core and make your balance almost perfect. There is another bottom you can use that helps more with snowboarding and in the near future we'll be getting that. Hopefully it will help with my carving.

So I did my half hour today. I started doing it with my 5 lb weights and boy do you really feel it then. I'm glad that after a few times of use I stabilized because I don't think I could take too many more nasty falls.

Yesterday I finally go thru to unemployment. It only took two weeks of calling every minute all day. We went as far as calling from Pete's out of state number to the 800 number. I had tried it from my phone but it refused to connect. The local number I was able to call was busy and you could never get thru, but it only took 3 hours calling from Pete's number. Now I'm just waiting for something from the bank and it should be all taken care of. Thank goodness!

Since I was on a roll of getting stuff taken care of I started working on our taxes. It's not like we've gotten any of the forms we need yet but my records are good enough that I can estimate. I'm glad to get most of it out of the way. One less thing to worry about.

As usual I've been cooking, so below is a quick log of a couple meals in the past couple days.

Grilled Cubanish Sandwich with Organic Tomato Soup - Dinner 1.19.10

Red & Yellow Pepper, Onion, Sausage & Egg Burrito with Hash Browns - Breakfast 1.20.10

Dinner on 1.20.10 was Wheat Angel Hair w Sausage & Garlic Bread
I tried to make grilled Eggplant but it was gross in my opinion. I only used half of the Eggplant last night so tonight I'm going to use another prep method and hopefully it'll come out good.

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