January 2010 - Having Fun in Colorado


January 21, 20100 Comments
Pete and I have really gotten into the IndoBoard that Paul got me for my Birthday/Christmas gift.It's supposed to build your core and make your balance almost perfect. There is another bottom you can use that helps more with snowboarding and in the near future we'll be getting that. Hopefully it will help with my carving.So I did my half hour today. I started doing it with my 5 lb weights and boy do you really feel it then. I'm glad that after...
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3 Min


January 18, 20100 Comments
So far today nothing much planned. I made Pete some breakfast this morning. Nothing special just Scrambled Veggie Eggs, Bacon & Hash Browns. He made a good point that I should use my real camera to take pictures but the one on my phone is always so close. Since it's so nice here today, it really has been feeling like spring more than anything here, I was thinking of starting my indoor herb garden. I read the back...
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3 Min


January 16, 20100 Comments
Today was a beautiful day, 60 degrees in Denver. Pete and I headed to Park Meadows Mall where the Apple store is. Can't be a minute late at this location or they'll cancel your appointment. Thankfully Pete ran a head of me and checked us in. All I needed to do was get the face plate on my computer replaced before my AppleCare runs out in April. Last time I went in the store to replace the charge...
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3 Min
Misc Pictures of Colorado


Shrimp with Grilled Zucchini and Coconut Rice
January 15, 20100 Comments
So the recipe I was testing here was the coconut rice. This is another Bethanny recipe but one that I found online. She has some really good instruction videos on her YouTube page. Since I can't link it to anything I've typed it up below.The zucchini was super easy. I chopped 1 zucchini, seasoned it with Hawaiian sea salt & pepper and grilled them on our cast iron grill pan.The shrimp were disappointing. I intended to have nice crispy shrimp...
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3 Min
Banana Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies
January 15, 20100 Comments
So since another one of our goals for the new year is to get in shape I've compiled a book of healthy recipes and will slowly be working my way thru them. Last summer I got the book "Naturally Thin" by Bethenny Frankel and one of the "Recipes" that jumped out at me that I couldn't wait to try was the Banana Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies. These are really low cal and since it's all good stuff in them it's a non-guilty treat great for my sweet...
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3 Min
January 15, 20100 Comments
Pete and I had a relaxing day at home today. Both of us are feeling a little under the weather so no snowboarding today. It's a bummer to miss the Ullr fest but there is always next year. Pete has been doing research all day for the gear he needs for his avalanche class that he's taking in February. Trying to find the best deal on snowshoes so he can get practicing. Today I'm making Banana Oatmeal Cookies and tonight for Dinner: Breaded Shrimp,...
Reading Time:
3 Min


Getting Started....
January 14, 20100 Comments
After living in NYC, Brooklyn to be exact, for the last 10 years my husband Pete and I decided to give it all up to move out west and be ski bums. Now that we are almost completely unpacked I've decided to document some of our adventures. We've set a few goals for this ski season, Pete is planning on skiing 100 days this year and mine is to ski at least one day every month in 2010. This will include hiking the St. Mary's Glacier and really getting...
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