1. Thou Shalt Take Advantage Of Optical Illusions
a picture from the top of the body is really popular for
beach snaps as the perspective makes your legs look longer and thinner
and your chest look larger because it’s closer to the camera.
Also cut off part of your body (to the right) which shaves inches off immediately.
Cropping the picture halfway down your body. Seeing
less of people automatically makes the viewer think they are slimmer.2. Thou Shalt Always Look Glamorous
Take shots when you're glammed up and ready
to go out at the beginning of the night means you will be looking
3. Remember Thy Pose
An old trick that photographers and models have used for
years and it’s an easy way to drop a dress size. Stand slightly to the
side, breathe in and put your hand on your hip.
sideways always makes you look slimmer than standing straight on in
front of the camera and the space created between your waist and your
arm gives you shape.4. Thou Shalt Choose A Simple Background
A simple background means you stand out more, even if you are standing in front of a plain brick wall.
A block white dress is also an attention-grabber because there’s no pattern detail to distract the viewer.
5. Honour Thy Tan
If you can’t tone it, tan it! Sun-kissed skin almost always
looks better in pictures, and because the quality of smartphone pictures
can’t be guaranteed, the deeper the colour the better the end result.6. Thou Shalt Use Apps
Different filters and effects on photo apps can make the
most boring snap look cool because colour shifting gives an instant
editorial feel.
Using Instagram and Hipstamatic give twitpics a bit
of retro style, Snapseed is also recommended for easy to achieve bespoke
effects. 7. Remember Thy Lighting
Smartphones are quite limited when it comes to focus in tricky
lighting situations so daylight is the best to guarantee a good shot.
Also, Late afternoon sun gives a lovely golden light which makes everything look better.
8. Thou Shalt Try A Crop
A tight shot gives more impact, especially when there is a lot going on in the background.
is also good for showing off statement hair and make-up
9. Honour Thy Angle
For a flattering half-length shot you should always try and take
the picture from above the subject, it gets rid of double chins and
under-eye bags and the perspective makes you
look longer and slimmer.
If it’s a full- length shot getting your friend to bob down while taking it will make your legs look longer.
10. Remember There Is Always Black And WhiteIf all else fails and you really need to post that picture turning a photograph black and white can often save it.
pictures are flattering on everyone so they’re great if you’re posing
with someone a bit older or uglier, or if anyone is pulling a silly face