May 2012 - Having Fun in Colorado


What is the big deal?
May 31, 20120 Comments

Proud military wife defends her photograph of servicewomen breastfeeding in uniform.  Following the photoshoot two weeks ago, the image of the military mothers breastfeeding was posted online and became a red-hot issue.

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Alanis Morrison - Another Advocate for Attachment Parenting
Bloomberg banning Soda
May 31, 20120 Comments

Soft drink over 16 ounces (1 pint) will be outlawed across New York City by March 2013 and restaurants that don't fall in line will be slapped with a $200 fine

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Stupid Drunk Drivers
May 31, 20120 Comments
What an idiot.  This bit*ch was stupid enough to do 15 shots then get behind the wheel.

She drove her boyfriends Benz into a 96 year old women's house in Long Island.  The women's grandaughter, who has not been named, told the New York Post: 'My grandmother came down and there's the passenger from the car standing in her kitchen.

'She asked him, 'Who are you? Why are you in my kitchen?’ And the guy said, 'I can't answer any questions, I've just been in an accident.' Then he tried to shake her hand.'

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Snakes in the City
May 30, 20120 Comments

Here are some snakes taking a break from the heat in a fountain in Columbus Circle, 59th Street.  I want to know where did they come from.  Creeps me out I used to walk by that fountain EVERYDAY!
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Everest Traffic Jam
May 29, 20120 Comments
This is something you NEVER want to see on Everest, let alone on a weekend where 4 climbers have already died. 

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Overheard in New York - Lobster
May 28, 20120 Comments

Hence the Zagreb Sauce

Man: So did you like your lobster?
Woman: Yeah. It was like eating a really big shrimp.
Man: Mmm-hmm.
Woman: I mean, they're basically the same animal, a lobster and a shrimp.
Man: Well, yeah. A shrimp, a lobster, a crab-- they're the same family. Croatians.
Conversation from ''Overheard in New York''
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Pretty cool pic...
May 28, 20120 Comments
Nothing special to take this. I was just trying to get her falling asleep in the sun.

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Remember these guys?
May 26, 20120 Comments
A great watch on Netflix - The Rock-afire Explosion

Here are some videos of the updated songs

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Email your Future Self
May 25, 20120 Comments lets you send an email to your future self, be it a warning, advice, or simply a ‘Hello!’ from the past.
The site says, ‘Send your future self some words of inspiration. Or maybe give 'em swift kick in the pants. Or just share some thoughts on where you'll or what you'll be up to in a year, three years...more? And then we'll do some time travel magic and deliver the letter to you.’

The site recommends using a Gmail address or other webmail address, rather than a work one - your future self might well have changed job.

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Casual Sex
Drunk History - Fredrick Douglas
May 24, 20120 Comments
Here is a preview of Drunk History from Funny or Die Presents on HBO....To see the full video click "here"

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See why Hybrids Suck


Hapa & Friends - Loki
May 22, 20120 Comments
So our old roomie stopped by yesterday and was nice enough to bring over Hapa's Boyfriend Loki. Below are some still shots of the two of them together and there will be some funny videos to follow.

Two Cute Puppies!  You don't even know how long it took to get this shot

Loki got Hapa's new toy but Hapa wasn't having it

If only there was a thought bubble that said "I believe that belongs to me..."

The Loki Low Crawl...I wish I had video but my batteries ran out

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Crazy Happy Hapa Face


New Food Video for new site
May 20, 20120 Comments
Working on my new site and I made a video of food shots for my new YouTube page. Enjoy!

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Hapa watching the wood chipper
Hapas twin in the paper
Studio dog


So you may have noticed...
May 05, 20120 Comments
That some of these recent posts are a bit well, old.  I just realized that the Blogger App that I've been using on my phone hasn't always been posting what I thought it was.  So take some time and enjoy lots of pictures of snow and about our silly dog, Hapa.

She has so many different faces or attitudes as I like to call them that she should be an actor!
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Biggest Baby in the World
Princess Hapa
Hapas new spot
May 05, 20120 Comments
It keeps her from barking for no reason, kinda.

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My little model
My buried car
She really hates hats
Look at that mohawk
Hungry hungry Hapa
