January 2012 - Having Fun in Colorado


Poor dog in his car all day
Homemade potato chips


Hapa's 1st Day Snowboarding
January 27, 20120 Comments
Here are some pics from Pete & Hapa's day of skiing Loveland Pass Trying to get back up to Pete.  He said she had a few problems in the deep snow but kept up with the other dogs for the most part.  Here she is just hanging on the trail She was tired like I've never seen her before.  Looks like we found her weakness, our puppy loves powde...
Reading Time:
3 Min
German Shepherds can do anything!


Crazy Cat


Tubing Magic Carpet
Hapa loving the new snow we got today
Don't watch if you get dizzy easily
Josie tubing at Keystone
Josie riding the magic carpet


Good morning again Denver


Denver...so different from home
January 19, 20120 Comments
60 degrees. I feel like an idiot in my down winter coat...
Reading Time:
3 Min
Stuck at the tunnel
January 19, 20120 Comments
An hour after I left home this is as far ad we've gotten...
Reading Time:
3 Min


Always the watch dog
January 04, 20120 Comments
Here's Hapa at the airport on the watch for josie. She didn't bark at people as much as I thought she would so ay least we're making progress...
Reading Time:
3 Min


Getting some use out of her life jacket
January 01, 20120 Comments
Since were trying to get Hapa used to her lifejacket we made her wear it outside today. She's such a good sport...
Reading Time:
3 Min
So happy he came back
January 01, 20120 Comments
This was her the whole ride home. Big baby. ...
Reading Time:
3 Min
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