December 2011 - Having Fun in Colorado


100 mile winds
December 31, 20110 Comments
So this was the carnage we woke to this morning. We heard the tree come down at 5 am but couldn't really see the damage till daylight. Breck reported 100 mile gusts and we don't have power....
Reading Time:
4 Min
Another one bites the dust
December 31, 20110 Comments
So this the the 4th tree to go down since we moved in....
Reading Time:
4 Min
If mother nature won't give you snow for Xmas
December 31, 20110 Comments
Breckenridge snowmaking wil...
Reading Time:
4 Min
A very Hapa Christmas


Hapa had a playmate last night


Shark jumps surfer!
December 15, 20110 Comments
Too scary to even think about!...
Reading Time:
4 Min
Crazy Zebra!
I guess Hapa doesn't like ice this much
Cat & Dog Best Friends
Eating Standing Up
December 15, 20110 Comments
This poor puppy has an enlarged esophagus and has to eat standing up. I'd say she has it down! I was surprised when she flipped her tray, lol...
Reading Time:
4 Min
Who knew Dogs & Owls could be friends?
Who Knew??  A waving Bear
Baby Sloths
December 15, 20110 Comments
This one is for Saitai...
Reading Time:
4 Min
How much does your dog love hanging out the window?
Sneaky Dog
December 15, 20110 Comments
The music for this video is priceless, lol  His back half is in super slow-mo!...
Reading Time:
4 Min
I need Triplets to dress them up like this....
Scary Xmas - Thanks to Anthony Bourdain
Were you good this year?
December 15, 20110 Comments
I swear if my kids acted anything less than thankful for any gift they got at X-mas, even if it's a joke like these - I especially love the kid with the old banana - they would be coming with me to the closest homeless shelter to give away any and all gifts coming to them for the year. It will teach them a lesson to appreciate everything they have, that's for sure....
Reading Time:
4 Min



Rappin' Charlie Brown
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