March 2011 - Having Fun in Colorado


Indian in Colorado
March 28, 20110 Comments
So we went to dinner with Kumar the other night to celebrate my first day and here was our spread. Sooo good! Indian was just what I needed. Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerr...
Reading Time:
1 Min
March 28, 20110 Comments
So this is what my car looked like after work today. 2 days of snow and its almost totally covered. Good thing Pete drove me in! Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerr...
Reading Time:
1 Min


Starting my new life....
March 17, 20110 Comments
So things are finally starting to fall into place here.  For those of you who haven't heard I finally got a real job!  I start on Monday as an Office Manager in Breckenridge.  It can't get any better than that.  To check us out click on the link below.  We offer great lodging deals in one of the top rated ski towns in the US. I spoke with the managers at the restaurant yesterday...
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1 Min
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