February 2011 - Having Fun in Colorado


Plowing in Georgia


OMG, I have a computer again
February 21, 20110 Comments
It doesn't need to be propped up on anything, it isn't making crazy noises and it's totally upgraded!  The best part is I have a bunch of mac programs I didn't have before but sadly the super drive didn't work so no DVD burner.  It works like a dream and I am happy to say that on Sunday I'll go thru my back up and pull what I need off of it, won't be too much, then when taxes are done I'll finally get our wedding stuff put to be...
Reading Time:
7 Min
Girl Scout Cookie Stats
February 21, 20110 Comments
Did you know that to burn off the calories from 1 Samoa, my fav by the way, you have to walk for a HALF HOUR! Its a good thing that I don't buy them often. Last year I got cornered at the grocery store and grabbed a box, the girls were just too cute and business like. Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerr...
Reading Time:
7 Min


A computer rebuilt
February 18, 20110 Comments
So it looks like it was the motherboard after all. My computer now has had the disc drive replaced, the screen connection replaced, the ram upgraded, a new OS added to it and a new motherboard. Looks like I'll be getting it back tonight and its just like getting a new computer. The hard drive has been wiped so only essentials from the back up will be moved back over. Thank goodness the guy who fixed it had some of the stuff laying around so it was...
Reading Time:
7 Min


More Snow
February 17, 20110 Comments
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Reading Time:
7 Min
Feeling the pain
February 17, 20110 Comments
When we went snowboarding yesterday I took a nasty spill on my first run. My body is feeling it today. I can barely turn my head and the whole left side is killing me. At least my falling is getting better and I didn't hurt my shoulder more than it already is. So much for Pete getting video of my progress. Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerr...
Reading Time:
7 Min


February 16, 20110 Comments
Finally had a minute to myself and decided it was time to finally use my mixer. Made sugar cookie dough and a dozen cupcakes decorated in the valentines day theme, Vanilla cake filled with Raspberry Jam and Fudge. Since I wanted to post a picture of my latest project and I don't have my computer back yet, you'll have to wait to see the nicer shots from my camera. Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerr...
Reading Time:
7 Min


Street Ice
February 15, 20110 Comments
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Reading Time:
7 Min
Weather - 2.15.11
February 15, 20110 Comments
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Reading Time:
7 Min
Another Great Day
February 15, 20110 Comments
Pete and I hit up Breck today and after a few runs we stopped for lunch and he saw one of his clents. We hung with them and I got to meet Steven's friend who used to live blocks from us in Brooklyn. Its nice to have some NY in Colorado. I left them to ride some more, I had to get ready for work. Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerr...
Reading Time:
7 Min


Happy Valentines Day
February 14, 20110 Comments
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Reading Time:
7 Min
Another Beautiful Day
February 14, 20110 Comments
Today its so nice out that you don't even need a coat. It's supposed to be 60 in Denver for the next few days so it should only get warmer here too. It's not good for the snow but I'll take 'em. Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerr...
Reading Time:
7 Min


February 13, 20110 Comments
So today I added some free apps to my phone and I decided to add twitter so I can post my food pics. Its another way to get it out there so might as well. I like it a lot better than the facebook app I'll say that much. Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerr...
Reading Time:
7 Min
Something nice about Colorado
February 13, 20110 Comments
This time of year in NY you don't want to go hang out on your deck in the morning, even if the sun is out. This morning its about 30 and with the sun out it feels like a warm spring day and it's only 11:30. Next winter I plan on having a better plan so on days like this we can have breakfast outside. It doesn't work on ski days cause it takes a little bit of time for the sun to get to a good spot but its perfect for brunch. Still no word on my...
Reading Time:
7 Min


Lost and Found
February 10, 20110 Comments
Pete drove me to work the other day and on the way home I lost my phone in his car! Sunday he went to denver for a client super bowl party and I noticed it was missing thank goodness its been recovered. I've learned as soon as I get my computer back its time to back everything up. It'll be a lot of data entry but its better than the alternative. Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerr...
Reading Time:
7 Min
Computer Update
February 10, 20110 Comments
So Pete called the computer guy today to let him know if he had to wipe my drive everything was backed up. We were told, fingers crossed, when the CD drive is replaced my computer should be back to normal. If not it's the dreaded motherboard and its better just to get a refurb laptop instead of fixing it. With the new CD drive I'll be able to burn DVD's so I can finally put all the wedding stuff to bed. Only almost 3 yrs later, it's about time....
Reading Time:
7 Min
If you think our coffee is strong
February 10, 20110 Comments
I just heard one of our roommates tell Pete that they use 8!! Scoops of coffee for 12 cups. No wonder no one can drink it. Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerr...
Reading Time:
7 Min


Computer Fix
February 09, 20110 Comments
Well let hope. We found a guy in frisco to fix my computer so we dropped it off and hopefully we'll get a call to let me know everything is back to normal. Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerr...
Reading Time:
7 Min



Shoes for your desk
February 04, 20110 Comments
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Reading Time:
7 Min


Boy was it cold today
February 02, 20110 Comments
On my drive home from work the bank sign said -24! I wanted to take a picture but stopping for gas was enough outside time for me. I just wanted to get home to sit in front of the fireplace. It really is the best seat in the house, well the warmest anyway. Since Tara is heading back to Jersey on Monday I'm taking her for a day of snowboarding tomorrow. Hopefully it won't be super cold but I have a feeling that we'll just head down to town after...
Reading Time:
7 Min
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