January 2011 - Having Fun in Colorado


Hopefully you can see this
January 30, 20110 Comments
Another amazing advertisement in our local daily paper, The summit Daily This restaurant has a Happy Hour that starts at 3 but it also says they don't open until 4. Figure that one out. Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerr...
Reading Time:
15 Min


Sledding Puppies!
January 27, 20110 Comments
These dogs know how to have fun!...
Reading Time:
15 Min
Plowing in Georgia
Don't text and walk, well if you aren't smart enough too
January 27, 20110 Comments
I've been able to multi-task walking and texting, it's not that hard.  I just don't know how you wouldn't see that thing. ...
Reading Time:
15 Min
January 27, 20110 Comments
This has to be one of the cooler sites I've come across lately...http://www.fashism.com/ Basically you take a picture of what you're wearing that day and upload it to their site.  Other members rate and can give helpful advice.  Pretty cool.  I really think it would make me start dressing nicer instead of like I live in the mountains, but oh wait, I do!&nbs...
Reading Time:
15 Min
No more Regis & Kelly
January 27, 20110 Comments
This is too bad.  I don't watch much morning TV but since moving here I really love seeing NY and hearing about the things I used to see everyday so we watch it every once in awhile.  Regis announced that this will be his last year on the show.  His stories and freestyle monologue are what make that show so great.  Not that I don't love Kelly Ripa, she does say some funny stuff, but Regis will be missed. ...
Reading Time:
15 Min
Japanese Precision
Frozen Car in Brooklyn
Do you love your bank?
January 27, 20110 Comments
This commercial is hilarious!  First of all I don't know how he's stopping the music by turning a volume knob on the console, but the best line is "Well you said write from the heart."  "Yeah don't do that", So funny and So true!...
Reading Time:
15 Min
This is why you don't give your baby a gun
Tosh.0 does Mario Brothers - Take Two
January 27, 20110 Comments
So for any of you that were interested in watching the Mario Bros Video posted a few weeks ago the video has been fixed and here is the link, Enjoy! http://havingfunincolorado.blogspot.com/2011/01/tosh0-does-mario-brothers.ht...
Reading Time:
15 Min


More stupid shit
January 25, 20110 Comments
So here is yet another funny sign I found in Colorado. People really need to proof read more. Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerr...
Reading Time:
15 Min


Looking like a hipster
January 24, 20110 Comments
So Pete and I hit up a 3D movie last night after my shift. It was nice to get out of the house for some alone time and it really turned out to be alone time as we were the only ones in the theatre at the 9:30 showing. I have to say living in an unpopulated area does have some advantages. Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerr...
Reading Time:
15 Min


To Stupid Roommates Everywhere
January 20, 20110 Comments
When someone tells you to leave their car alone, when you're drunk out of your mind, maybe you should listen or something like this can happen. But I guess that was my fault for letting you move in here.&nbs...
Reading Time:
15 Min


Another epic powder day
January 18, 20110 Comments
Breck reported 26" today after our storm yesterday. I'm still sick so I didn't get to hit the slopes with Pete today but I'm sure he's having a great time. Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerr...
Reading Time:
15 Min


Boy what a day
January 17, 20110 Comments
So today I think I had the flu. I started feeling crappy last night at work and asked Tara to cover my shift. Thank goodness she's awesome and took it. I've been asleep most of the day and am finally feeling a little better. I still have a fever but I managed to make it out to the couch for a few hours. Now it's back to bed. Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerr...
Reading Time:
15 Min


Just so you know...
January 15, 20110 Comments
Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerr...
Reading Time:
15 Min


The Kennedy's
January 12, 20110 Comments
 So here is the preview for the Kennedy's mini-series that I guess is causing some controversy.  Still something that I need to remind myself to DVR....
Reading Time:
15 Min
Bringing Back Fire Marshall Bill
January 12, 20110 Comments
So this was one of my favorite characters that Jim Carrey used to play on In Living Color.  One of the all time best comedy sketch shows, for you young kids you haven't heard of it. ...
Reading Time:
15 Min


Here is some of the tricks you see at the park in Breck
This is what I want to be able to do
Super Gross
January 11, 20110 Comments
We always joke about this guy and I thought I'd share it with everyone...
Reading Time:
15 Min
This is why you use the Cross Walk
Gangster v White Guy
January 11, 20110 Comments
This is a crazy video, again lots of F bombs are being dropped so if you're sensitive to curse words I would skip this video.  It does prove that if you're picking a fight with a stranger you never know who you'll be up against....
Reading Time:
15 Min
Some people are WAY to serious about American Idol
January 11, 20110 Comments
So these little girls were very into who was gonna win.  Now the original video, if you want to see it click "here" , I wasn't able to embed it but I did find a spoof and since it's all about their reaction it's still pretty funny.  ...
Reading Time:
15 Min
Stay away from the Guitarist
January 11, 20110 Comments
This video is rated R for language...
Reading Time:
15 Min
So Wrong
January 11, 20110 Comments
 I heard about this cookbook and I'm sorry but I find it totally gross.  Below is the description that was on the website as a description of what you'll find inside.  Semen is not only nutritious, but it also has a wonderful texture and amazing cooking properties. Like fine wine and cheeses, the taste of semen is complex and dynamic. Semen is inexpensive to produce and is commonly available in many, if not most, homes and restaurants....
Reading Time:
15 Min
Hack your VCR
Tosh.0 does Mario Brothers
January 11, 20110 Comments
Daniel Tosh Plays Super Mario Bros.Uploaded by TheBootStore. - Sitcom, sketch, and standup comedy video...
Reading Time:
15 Min
Prom Drama
Drunk Racoon
January 11, 20110 Comments
Too funny, I saw this on TV today...
Reading Time:
15 Min
Man shoots at Zombie Cop
January 11, 20110 Comments
Well thank God we have the geniuses we do here in Colorado.  I heard this awhile back and as usual it's taken months for me to post about this....A man in Longmont, CO shot at a cop that was chasing him, for good reason mind you he had a warrant out for his arrest, because he thought he was being cashed by a Zombie cop.  How you come to that conclusion I'll never kno...
Reading Time:
15 Min
A night out with Tara
January 11, 20110 Comments
So Tara and I decided that after our hellish weekend we deserved to have someone wait on us and we headed out for a drink and some food.  I had picked this place called Prost, a beer and sausage place.  Of course they were closed so we headed across the street and went here... We shared some appetizers that were great, truffled mushrooms with mascarpone cheese and mussels.  The table was pretty cool too, a copper color and a little...
Reading Time:
15 Min
Pasta Bake
January 11, 20110 Comments
Still trying to clear out my pantry, that's the good thing about having a large reserve I've been trying to clear it out for months!  I used up some sauce we had in the fridge and Pete grabbed some sausage for me on his way home and this is what we came up with...
Reading Time:
15 Min
Pot Roast
January 11, 20110 Comments
So we planned on Pot Roast about a week ago and it turned out great.  We had it in the Crock Pot for 7 hours, I think I started it at noon.  It could have used a little more time but it was still pretty tender.  Everybody ate so fast I didn't take a pic until seconds. ...
Reading Time:
15 Min
Early start today
January 11, 20110 Comments
So we got an early start at home today and I'm enjoying some down time watching Regis & Kelly. They mentioned that NY might be getting hit with yet another foot of snow. Hopefully it won't be as big of a mess as the last storm. Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerr...
Reading Time:
15 Min


So much for planning anything
January 10, 20110 Comments
Turns out I have to work today. Of course why wouldn't I have more than 1 day off a week. I asked for thursday off for the parade and have to work at 3 every other day this week and again with no bartending shifts. Looks like it really might be time to move on. Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerr...
Reading Time:
15 Min


Plan for tomorrow
January 09, 20110 Comments
Well, I know I've been slacking off about posting but work has been crazy and I've been beat so looks like Pete and I will be skiing tomorrow morning then coming home to deal with some business. I got a message from our old boss that he might have an office manager job for me. We'll talk details tomorrow and see how it goes. Hopefully I'll get a chance to cook us a nice dinner and make something in my stand mixer plus catch up on some more posts....
Reading Time:
15 Min


Fell off the Driveway
January 04, 20110 Comments
So I knew this was bound to happen sooner or later.  Pete's parking spot is near the drop off from where we park to the 'front yard' of the house.  We had gone grocery shopping and there was snow on the ground and when I went to move around his mirror my foot slipped and I almost fell down the embankment.  Fun stuff right!  This actually happened November 23rd but as busy as we've been it's taken this long for me to post it. ...
Reading Time:
15 Min


Smells like Peppermint
January 03, 20110 Comments
So we heard that a good way to get squirrels out of your attic, or in our case, the inside of the roof of the house.  The male of the bunch always likes to come out at talk shit, I think he knew the peppermint wouldn't scare him away.  Looks like we're gonna have to get some traps.  &nbs...
Reading Time:
15 Min


Cleaning House
January 02, 20110 Comments
So as you can see there were a lot of posts today.  I'm trying to clean up all the notes of stuff I've wanted to write about in the past year.  It's gonna take awhile but it's getting better.  At least it means that there will be a bunch of activity so check bac...
Reading Time:
15 Min
Amzing Child Skater
The best reaction to a Wii ever!
Cookies at Work
January 02, 20110 Comments
So Jamie's, another waitress at work, mom sent her some cookies that she brought in with her.  I took a quick shot since we're not supposed to use our phones at work.  Some times you need to...
Reading Time:
15 Min
Random Colorado Picture
January 02, 20110 Comments
Why wouldn't there be a statue of a bike on the corner of the road...
Reading Time:
15 Min
Biohazard Ham
January 02, 20110 Comments
Well, not really, that was just the bag it was brought home in. ...
Reading Time:
15 Min
Cinnamon Sugar Pull Apart Bread
January 02, 20110 Comments
Another something that I whipped up.  Next time I hope I can make it with homemade dough.  The pecans I added really added the crunch it needed...
Reading Time:
15 Min
Crab Shepherd's Pie
January 02, 20110 Comments
Just something I whipped up with stuff we had in the freezer and pantr...
Reading Time:
15 Min
January 02, 20110 Comments
So this year the Epic Pass is letting you track a bunch of stuff, when Pete went on the other day he was really close to the top of the overall list.  So crazy I took a pic...
Reading Time:
15 Min
More Christmas Gifts
January 02, 20110 Comments
Merry Christmas to me!  I got my standmixer and set it up right away and took a few shots.  I have to say it looks good on the counter. Julie sent me an amazing cookbook that I can't wait to dive into.  And even Andy was putting his gift to good use by rocking the Snuggie as intended, lounging on the couch. I had to take my favorite picture off the box since I couldn't find it anywhere online...
Reading Time:
15 Min
White Chocolate Macadamia Nut Cookies
January 02, 20110 Comments
When Alex left she gave me all her cookies supplies that she had got on our day out at the Super Wal-Mart.  I put them to good use and made up a batch of cookies.  I wanted them to look a little more holiday-ish so I made up some red sugar.  No reason to buy the colors that you can make with a little elbow grease.&nbs...
Reading Time:
15 Min
Peanut Butter Cookies
January 02, 20110 Comments
So I did these two ways, With Almonds then I drizzled them with chocolate that I tempered.  I didn't get any pictures with the chocolate. For my birthday Pete got me some stuff I wanted for baking including the gold sugar that I used to roll the cookies in And of course if you make PB cookies Blossoms are a great way to go.  I will say that it's so cold here that the kisses don't really stay soft for very long...
Reading Time:
15 Min
Snowcat Buried
January 02, 20110 Comments
So here is a pic that Pete found on Hans Facebook page ...
Reading Time:
15 Min


New Years Resolutions 2011
January 01, 20110 Comments
Here are some positive thoughts for the upcoming year.  HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! -Indo Board 10 mins 3x a week, I know it doesn't sound like much but I'd like to see you do it for 1. Here is the official video that comes with the board.  It's crazy some of the stuff they can do on it.  I would love to be able to hang ten but I'm a long way from it. **Plus we need to get the bubble for it.  Here is a video showing a work out with...
Reading Time:
15 Min
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