2011 - Having Fun in Colorado


100 mile winds
December 31, 20110 Comments
So this was the carnage we woke to this morning. We heard the tree come down at 5 am but couldn't really see the damage till daylight. Breck reported 100 mile gusts and we don't have power....
Reading Time:
14 Min
Another one bites the dust
December 31, 20110 Comments
So this the the 4th tree to go down since we moved in....
Reading Time:
14 Min
If mother nature won't give you snow for Xmas
December 31, 20110 Comments
Breckenridge snowmaking wil...
Reading Time:
14 Min
A very Hapa Christmas


Hapa had a playmate last night


Shark jumps surfer!
December 15, 20110 Comments
Too scary to even think about!...
Reading Time:
14 Min
Crazy Zebra!
I guess Hapa doesn't like ice this much
Cat & Dog Best Friends
Eating Standing Up
December 15, 20110 Comments
This poor puppy has an enlarged esophagus and has to eat standing up. I'd say she has it down! I was surprised when she flipped her tray, lol...
Reading Time:
14 Min
Who knew Dogs & Owls could be friends?
Who Knew??  A waving Bear
Baby Sloths
December 15, 20110 Comments
This one is for Saitai...
Reading Time:
14 Min
How much does your dog love hanging out the window?
Sneaky Dog
December 15, 20110 Comments
The music for this video is priceless, lol  His back half is in super slow-mo!...
Reading Time:
14 Min
I need Triplets to dress them up like this....
Scary Xmas - Thanks to Anthony Bourdain
Were you good this year?
December 15, 20110 Comments
I swear if my kids acted anything less than thankful for any gift they got at X-mas, even if it's a joke like these - I especially love the kid with the old banana - they would be coming with me to the closest homeless shelter to give away any and all gifts coming to them for the year. It will teach them a lesson to appreciate everything they have, that's for sure....
Reading Time:
14 Min



Rappin' Charlie Brown


Dogs v Cats
November 30, 20110 Comments
It has been found that dogs have larger brains than cats since they are more sociable creatures. According to a study from Oxford University, highly social species of mammals need more brain power than solitary animals.   I always knew that I liked dogs more for a reason.   ...
Reading Time:
14 Min


Andre picks his Ice Cream
Seduce Women With Chess
Red Flag bu Chanel


I think I found Hapa's Breed
November 24, 20110 Comments
We were watching the dog show today and during the line up I saw her....looks like she's a Rhodesian Ridgeback.  Here is a pic I found online that looks like it could be of her....
Reading Time:
14 Min


Popcorn Anyone?
Don't talk on a banana in the Theatre
Do you like the Muppets on Facebook?
How to Carve a Pumpkin Muppet Style


Her fav toy
Happy about the snow
The jumping spot
November 18, 20110 Comments
When Hapa saw Dillon, the dog who lives behind us, for the first time she jumped off the deck, shown in the video below, and not that there's a lot of snow there now but it was way less when she decided to go for it....
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14 Min
Finally playing with her bone
A new doggy friend
November 18, 20110 Comments
So this is the unknown dog that came to our yard and made Hapa freak! Since having her in the house was causing a meltdown I let her loose and they had a pretty good time. Hapa only got in trouble once when she followed him to the rental house next door and wouldn't come back until I walked over, thru the snow in my slippers, and dragged her home....
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14 Min
Playing with her rope
Trying to keep warm
November 18, 20110 Comments
So here she is, not using a pillow at all, laying by the fireplace. For the dog that was always hot I think the colorado cold is getting to he...
Reading Time:
14 Min
Silly girl
November 18, 20110 Comments
Here's Hapa using the pillow near the fireplace to stay warm during the power outag...
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14 Min
Must be something good in that snow...


Smoke on the water
November 13, 20110 Comments
So this is what Lake Dillon looked like the other day on my drive to wor...
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14 Min
Hapa and her favorite toy
Powers Out
November 13, 20110 Comments
So much for our Sunday...the storm that's going on this weekend has knocked out power from here to over 40 miles away and has been out since last night. I feel bad for the renters next door, they only have electric heat, and we have a broken gas fireplace that will hardly heat the Living Room it's located in. Hopefully we'll have power back before dark but the storm is only getting worse..... Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBe...
Reading Time:
14 Min


90' World Record Wave


Singing on the Subway


A true Colorado dog



Don't eat your kids candy


My baby girl and her toys
November 02, 20110 Comments
Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerr...
Reading Time:
14 Min
Our first real storm
November 02, 20110 Comments
Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerr...
Reading Time:
14 Min
Happy Halloween!!!


What a waste of Tax Dollars
October 27, 20110 Comments
This is why I think I should run for office here. This is what they are debating on doing in Colorado now.... Town of Telluride ordinance, passed in the Town Council by a 5-2 vote, 10/5/10 ban on all plastic carryout bags (including compostable plastic) 10-cent fee on “permitted paper bags” applies to ALL businesses implementation: January 1, 2011 for grocery stores March 1, 2011 for all other businesses Ordinances Under Discussion City of Aspen...
Reading Time:
14 Min


Too Cute
October 03, 20110 Comments
You’re watching Dog Teaches Baby to Play Ball. See the Web's top videos on AOL Vid...
Reading Time:
14 Min


October 01, 20110 Comments
So I just got carded for a sprite. Gotta love Burlington, VT Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerr...
Reading Time:
14 Min


You will be missed...
September 24, 20110 Comments
Live at GothamMike DeStefano - Punching Cab Driverswww.comedycentral.comComedy CentralFunny TV ShowsRoast of Charlie Sheen...
Reading Time:
14 Min



Unreleased Elvis


Mr & Mrs. Ferreira


Honeymoon Video
August 27, 20110 Comments
So since we just passed our 3 year wedding anniversary I figured it was time to take care of the Honeymoon Video.  Broken in to 3 parts below, is our 2 week trip to Kauai, HI.  ...
Reading Time:
14 Min




New HellRaiser
Don't ask this person to watch your kids
Kelly Ripa going back to her Jersey Roots
Who doesn't love this song...
Pic of the Day - 8.21.11
The baby is all grown up
August 21, 20110 Comments
So here is some video of the baby moose from last year.  He's all grown up now and loves the flowers in the backyard....
Reading Time:
14 Min
Our new Roomate
August 21, 20110 Comments
Here's Loki! He's funny but a little anti-social. Still it's nice to have a dog in the house. ...
Reading Time:
14 Min


Dave is back!


A night out
August 03, 20110 Comments
So Pete had a card for half off our entire bill at Burke & Rileys in town so since it expires tomorrow and we've had it for a year it was time to enjoy ourselves. We ordered drinks an app & entree to split. They had some live music so it was a pretty night. Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerr...
Reading Time:
14 Min


Vintage Janice
Pup fakes his own death


July 30, 20110 Comments
So this is the pup who lives next door.  She's very protective but no matter how means she sounds it's hard to take her serious when she looks like this and this is how she lays around all day...
Reading Time:
14 Min
Driving up Peak 10 - Part 3
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